Will your Wonderlic SLE score, Help land you that Shiny new Academic slot?

The odds aren't looking great…

76% of Wonderlic test takers FAIL because they don't know how to prepare.

That's why students from all over the U.S. are using a 100% legal "cheat" course to pass the Wonderlic SLE test with flying colors.

It's called "The Wonderlic QuickPass™ Guide" and it helps even the worst test takers pass so they score big and rock any admission board's world.

Here's a few ways how

This simple trick helps you answer questions 50% faster! (Pro tip: don't trust your short-term memory.)

Get the 'pen and paper' secret for acing every math related question.

See how to SPOT and AVOID time trap questions!

See REAL Wonderlic questions in advance so you're never caught surprised.

Too many hardworking, talented individuals like you are turned away from academic slots they were otherwise qualified for just because their Wonderlic scores were too low.

It's frustrating and unfair.

Too many people struggle to get to where they want to be because the Wonderlic is a roadblock they can't seem to get over.


Opportunities fly out the door, academic goals aren't met, years go by and they stay stuck.

You're at a point of decision now.

You can either continue what you're doing or you can choose to invest in your success for less than the cost of a weekly grocery bill.

If you choose to continue what you're doing it will most likely result in the same outcome you've always received…staying stuck and not sure what to do.

But if you want something different to happen, if you want to change the direction of your career (or your life, your finances, etc.) you're going to have to do something different.

Click the button below, fill out the order form, and we will immediately grant you access to the The Wonderlic QuickPass™ Guide.

This is the decision that can lead to the life and career you've always wanted.

Sneak peek at what's included

1.17 Question Blueprints

No more scratching your head. This is your crystal ball to see what's on the Wonderlic before it's go-time. These detailed modules cover the exact topics you will be asked about when you take the Wonderlic test. Here are a few examples:

$399.99 Value

Numerical Reasoning Part I and Part II

This module gives you the three different types of Wonderlic numerical reasoning questions with full explanations. Prepare to crunch numbers like a retired accountant.


In this module, you get four rules for cracking any percentages question. Basic fractions, decimals, and percentages won't be a chip on your shoulder even if you suck at math.

Geometrical Figures and Graphs

Wave goodbye to puzzles that stump you. This module equips you with tools to solve geometric figures and graphs with ease, even if you don't understand a thing about it.

…and that's just 4 of the 17 lessons you will add to your arsenal! You also get:

2.15 Quizzes For Distinct Question Types

Focus your efforts where they matter most and watch your score skyrocket. You'll breeze through the Wonderlic like a pro because you will know every distinct type of Wonderlic question.

$99.99 Value

3.3 Full-Length Practice Tests

Test day nerves? Not anymore. With our example Wonderlic questions, you'll build confidence and approach the real deal with absolute certainty. No surprises, just success.

$199.99 Value

4.Personality and Motivation Prep

It's not just about what you know, it's how you present yourself. Discover how to use your unique strengths, kickstart motivation, and ace your interview with ease. You'll stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on that hiring manager.

$99.99 Value

5.500 Practice Questions with Explanations

One of the keys to passing the Wonderlic is understanding why certain choices are right and eliminating guesswork. With these duplicate questions and answers, you'll be a Wonderlic wizard in no time.

$199.99 Value

Total Value


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When it comes to Your Future, Take no chances.

If you've been asked to take the Wonderlic then congratulations! Clearly the admissions board liked you and wants to know more about you. This is your chance—now's not the time to make mistakes!

Moving up in the world takes an investment in time, effort, energy, and sometimes money.

People invest thousands in coaching, courses and personal development to get to where they want to be in life to open that next door.

All to get that next pay rise…
Land that new position…
Live the life they've been dreaming about…

But what if you don't make it past academic admissions because you can't get past this annoying test?


How stupid is that?

Give yourself the best chance of success with a small investment: The Wonderlic QuickPass™ Guide.

The guide will show you how to increase your Wonderlic score by as much as 10 points in just a few hours. 10 points is the difference between the average scores for a cashier and a chemist, or a welder and an investment analyst.

Ten points on the Wonderlic is a big deal, and our course will show you how to get the score you want.

You need a winning strategy to pass the Wonderlic so you don't find yourself back at square one.

Here's how you will PASS the Wonderlic in 5-Steps

It's been said that in moments of decision your destiny is shaped.

So, what will you decide to do now?

The same thing you've been doing to stay stuck or will you decide to open up new doors of opportunity for yourself with the Wonderlic QuickPass™ Guide?

This is the only study guide that covers every type of Wonderlic test:

Wonscore | Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test | Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) | Wonderlic Basic Skills Test | Wonderlic Personality Assessment | Wonderlic Motivation Assessment

Why look anywhere else when this is your one and done? We know you'll love this Wonderlic study guide as much as everyone else.

In fact, if for any reason you're not completely satisfied, just return your order within 7 days and we'll issue a full refund.

Here's what people like you
Said about The Wonderlic QuickPass™ Guide

Vanessa F.


This course is very good! Helped me cover all topics in a efficient manner. I was confident and prepared to answer the questions in my Wonderlic Test - which I found easier, by the way. I didn't get my score yet, but I would recommend this site for anyone seeking a successful result and encouragement. Thank you for helping me!

Vanessa F.

Katherine S.

Great course

I kept running into jobs requesting this type of assessment, I found I was over thinking and spending too much time on questions, but I like the way they explain each module and things just click now.

Katherine S.

Andree Y.

Worth every penny

A must to score points on the exam. Gives you insight on what to expect on exam, and which questions to skip because of wasting precious time. Builds your confidence in testing in a very time limited test

Andree Y.

So, what's your next role worth to you?

Trusted by


employees and students at leading companies and universities, including...

P.S. The reason this Wonderlic study guide is so powerful is because it helps even the worst test takers pass with the score they need to get into an academic program (for less than the cost of a grocery trip.)

This is the right decision for someone who wants to turn their Wonderlic score into a shiny new opportunity. Even if you suck at math or didn't get honor roll in school, this guide will help you pass any Wonderlic test with flying colors.

Now's the time to type in your name and your address, double-check that the information is correct, then type in your credit card number and click on the 'Buy now' button.


Invest in your future now by clicking the button below.