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Difference Between the 2023 Wonderlic and Other Tests

Wonderlic Test vs. The Mensa Workout

Mensa (meaning “table”) is a non-profit international organization that was established in England in 1946 to create a specialized society of intellectuals.

This society engages and participates in think-tanks, social events, charities, social outreach programs, scholarships and so on.

In order to qualify for membership, you must score above the 98% on a standard IQ test, Stanford-Binet or score highly on an internal exam. The internal exam is largely administered only by the American division of Mensa and isn’t comparable to other IQ tests. It is used for internal use only.

The “Mensa Workout” is comprised of 30 questions to be answered in 30 minutes or less. The questions are more advanced than The Wonderlic and are on an extremely high intellectual level.

The Mensa workout seeks out the exceptional and rare individual to create an exclusive society where the Wonderlic only targets the best individual for a certain job within a given group of people.

In other words, Mensa requires you to meet a very high standard. The Wonderlic requires you to meet the standard of a certain job and to do better on the test than the other applicants.

The questions test spatial intelligence, pattern recognition, language skills, logic, blank multiplication, advanced mathematics, graphic analogies, auto-deduction, visual mathematics and more.

Wonderlic Test vs. Standard IQ Tests (Intelligence Quotient)

Standard IQ tests are a series of tests that are designed to quantify intelligence in a single score. The term IQ test was coined in 1912 by William Stern.

The median score of the Standard IQ test is 100. An approximate ⅔ of the population scores between 85-115 and only 5% of the population scored above 125 or below 75. Scores can be influenced by many variables, such as health, social status, biology and genetics.

Scores can be improved, but long term improvement of certain cognitive abilities is limited, such as improving memory, speed and attention to details.

The current version of the The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is comprised of ten core subtests (full scale IQ test) and five supplemental subtests focusing on vocabulary, similarities, reading comprehension, matrix reasoning, spatial reasoning, memory, arithmetic, processing speed and more.

There are many different versions of the Standard IQ Test, such as Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales and Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities; however Wechsler Intelligence Scales are the most common for both adults and children.

These tests are used mainly to Assess Cognitive Abilities for educational program placement, disability and mental evaluation; and professional compatibility.

Wonderlic Test vs. The SAT test

The Scholastic Aptitude / Assessment Test was written in 1926 as a tool to assess individuals for college admission. Today it is published by the college board, which is a private non-profit organization.

The SAT is not supposed to necessarily be in sync with the national high-school curriculum, only to evaluate if an individual has the appropriate level of education and basic knowledge for college admission.

The 2016 version has 3 sections and should take up to 3 hours to complete. An additional essay section is optional and 50 minutes are given to complete it.

Scores range from 400-1600 and consists of two sections, 200-800 points allotted in each. The third section is given for normalization and doesn’t count towards the final score, however the identity of that section is unknown. Questions tend to progress in difficulty covering the fields of math, critical reading and writing.

The mathematics section consists of three scored sections. There are two 25-minute sections and one 20-minute section.

multiple choice questions and grid-in questions (open ended). Grid-in questions aren’t penalized for incorrect answers, only correct answers are counted. Topics covered are operations, algebra, geometry; statistics, probability, and data analysis.

The critical reading section is also divided into three sections: two 25-minute sections and one 20-minute section. These sections focus on vocabulary, sentence completion and reading comprehension (answering questions regarding a provided reading section).

The writing section aims to gauge the individual’s writing capabilities, grammar, syntax, diction and spelling, as well as critical thinking and logic abilities.

This section consists of multiple choice questions and a short essay. In this section, the questions have more influence than the essay. Individuals are given 25 minutes to complete an essay on a given topic.

More about SAT >>

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Great study guide!


Definitely worth the money! There are a lot of free practice tests out there but they actually don't have the right questions or structured the same way as the real test. This guide takes you through each sub-section that is on the test with great tips and tricks, plus lots of practice questions after each sub-section with 3 full practice tests that are same as the actual test (including layout). So you know what you are getting into. I don't think I could have done well without this guide.




David P.

The Rapid Wonderlic Mastery Course is an absolute steal and it quickly prepared me to fly through the course and achieve excellent results. I was well-prepared by taking this, and if I hadn’t taken it the outcome wouldn’t have been strong because I wouldn’t have know what to expect and would have made stupid mistakes just out of ignorance of understanding the test and strategies to perform well. I highly recommend anyone to BUY THIS NOW AND STUDY HARD! Even 12-36 hours advance is plenty to prepare you. THANK YOU!! A VERY grateful user.

David P.


i make mistake, actually, I

i make mistake, actually, I will take react behavior test and want to buy materiel to it.I think i bought wrong material. thank

jie c.



Vanessa F.

This course is very good! Helped me cover all topics in a efficient manner. I was confident and prepared to answer the questions in my Wonderlic Test - which I found easier, by the way. I didn't get my score yet, but I would recommend this site for anyone seeking a successful result and encouragement. Thank you for helping me!

Vanessa F.


Great review

Jesica A.

Took the course before taking the wonderlic. Great prep! Very similar to the real questions!

Jesica A.


Great prep tool

The modules did a great job helping me understand the types of questions I would encounter and to provide strategies for quickly solving them. Ultimately the practice tests were significantly harder than my real test.

Evan V.


Great course

Katherine S.

I kept running into jobs requesting this type of assessment, I found I was over thinking and spending too much time on questions, but I like the way they explain each module and things just click now.

Katherine S.




This was a game changer. The test prep settled me with confidence to take on the challenge. I passed with flying colors



Super helpful!

Alexis K.

Really helped me prepare and make smart decisions on the actual test. Would definitely recommend, especially if you’ve been out of testing scenarios for a bit!

Alexis K.


Very helpful

Very helpful

Jyothi B.