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Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Tests – 2025 Update

What is the Perceptual Ability Test?

Formerly referred to as the “Hay Aptitude Test Battery”, this Wonderlic Examination is usually utilized in the preliminary stages of the hiring process for positions such as accounting, bookkeeping, data entry, and tellers.

There are three versions of the Perceptual Ability Test:

1. The Four-Minute Number Series Completion Test – This test requires you to complete number sequences.

2. The Four-Minute Number Perception Test – This test requires accuracy and agility. Here one will be asked to compare two sets of numbers and determine if they are similar or not.

3.The Four-Minute Name Finding Test – This test requires accuracy and agility. Here one will be asked to compare two sets of names and determine if they are similar or not.

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