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Beat the Medline Assessment Test in 2025

If you are applying for an internship or employment position at Medline Industries, you are probably stressed that you may not succeed because you will be made to take the Medline Industries Assessment Test which is an array of pre-employment tests, including the Wonderlic personnel test.

How to prepare for the test

You can prepare for this test and the entire hiring process with WonderlicTestPrep’s test prep resources. Our comprehensive prep pack comes loaded with the Wonderlic-test information, exclusive practice tests and drills, score reports, answer explanations, and a study guide that points out the methods, tips, and techniques you can use to pass the test and boost your chances of success. Let us help you succeed in the Medline assessment test. 

About the Medline Assessment Test

The Wonderlic assessment test is used by the Medline Industries to evaluate the suitability of potential employees in various positions by evaluating their ability to learn new information, make decisions under time pressure, and adapt to changes in the work environment. These are skills that cannot be measured by looking at a candidate’s CV or doing an in-person interview.

This test is very crucial in Medline’s recruitment process. This is because apart from helping this company employ top-quality employees, it helps streamline the application process, considering that tons of people apply for positions whenever they are advertised.

The test can also be used to predict the performance of an individual in a particular position if given the opportunity to serve. Therefore, it is a test that cannot be taken for granted. It might make a difference between getting the job and missing out, and this is the reason why you should dedicate time and practice for it beforehand.


Test questions

This test comes in two major types. The first one is the Wonderlic Personnel Test- QuickTest, which is a short version of the full test. It contains 30 questions and an eight-minute time limit. It is in most cases given to candidates as a preparation for the major test, but depending on the position, it can also be given to eliminate unsuccessful candidates early in the process.

The second assessment is the Wonderlic Personnel Test – Revised, which is the full version of the test. It contains 50 questions and a 12-minute time limit. This test is administered in paper or electronic format, and it’s taken in the company’s test center under tight supervision. The reason why the test is proctored is to counter cheating, and ensure that only candidates who deserve it get the job.

Both tests contain similar questions and are broken down as shown below:

Math – 40%

English – 40%

Logic – 10%

Clerical questions – 5%

General knowledge – 5%

The fact that the math and English subjects carry the most weight doesn’t mean that you should only concentrate on them during your practice. Remember, every section counts in the final score; thus you need to ensure that you focus on all subjects. However, it pays more to focus on those areas that you are weak in.

This is why you need to take advantage of our test Prep Pack which comes with:

  • Several full-length Wonderlic-style practice tests
  • Additional drills in language competencies, logical reasoning, patterns, graphs, and number series
  • All questions types found in the real test
  • Immediate access to score reports
  • A diagnostic test to help you identify your weak and strong areas so that you can create a focused revision strategy
  • In-depth answer explanations after every practice test
  • A detailed study guide that contains video and text-based tutorials that highlight tips, insights, and techniques on how to solve questions faster and boost your chances of emerging at the top.

How the test is scored

Since there are 50 questions in the test, every question carries one point in the Wonderlic Personnel Test – Revised. This means that the highest score you can get is 50 and the lowest score you can get is zero. It is important to note that Medline Industries will not penalize you for any wrong answers.

In the 8-minute version of the test, popularly known as the WTP-R, the scoring is slightly different. To make the total points 50 like the full test, every question carries 1.66 points.

The minimum score for literacy is 10, and the average score is 20-21. According to Wonderlic data, only 3% of test takers answer all questions in this test.

Although Medline Industries don’t have a standard score for all positions, a score of less than 20, in most cases, will likely lock you out from continuing with the other steps of the recruitment process. Therefore, endeavor to always get a score that is above average. However, you may need to ask a company representative about the score you are supposed to get for the job you have applied for so that you can prepare effectively.


Don’t use a calculator!

Since the Wonderlic Personnel Test – QuickTest is not proctored, most people use calculators to help them answer math questions faster. Well, this might help you pass this test, but keep in mind that you will not be allowed to use this assisting tool during the real exam. Therefore, during your practice, avoid using it, so that you can get a real feel of how the real test will look like. Instead, use a scrap paper and a pen to do your calculations, because they will be allowed in the real exam.

Tips to pass the Medline Industries Wonderlic Test

Medline Industries is one of the best places to work and advance your career. Passing the Wonderlic test and the Medline Industries assessment test are a few of the certain ways of ensuring you ultimately get your dream job. Below are some tips that can help improve your score:

Manage time

Time management is key in the Wonderlic test. You will have less than 15 seconds to complete every question; hence any delay tactics can be detrimental.

This is how you approach questions in this test: if a question is difficult, skip it and move on to the next since you will be allowed to come back to it later. Use the shortest time to answer simple questions, so that you can create time for the difficult ones you had skipped.

In case a question become too difficult to answer, you can leave it blank because you will not be penalized for that. But to enhance your chances of success, you can move on to the next tip.

Make educated guesses

Never leave a question bank in this exam. Remember, the more questions you answer, the higher the chances of getting most of them right. Therefore, analyze questions that are too difficult to crack, and use techniques such as the elimination method to develop answers. Educated guesses increase your chances of getting difficult or tricky questions right.

Prepare with WonderlicTestPrep

Getting a job at Medline Industries is today more difficult than ever before. You need to be better than the thousands of other applicants, so that you can be considered for a position. Preparing yourself for the Medline Industries Wonderlic Assessment test with our comprehensive test prep pack will give you the best chance at being hired for the position you have applied for. Join us today and access practice tests and drills, score reports, answer explanations, and exclusive study guides.

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