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Beat the QLD Police Wonderlic Test in 2025

If you are applying to join the Queensland police force, you will be required to undergo the as part of the selection process. The online QLD Police Wonderlic test and assessments are designed to measure your reasoning skills to see if you fit the position that you aim to take.

The cognitive tests include questions that cover numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning. These tests, along with the QLD police Wonderlic test, are conducted online, are timed, and include multiple-choice questions

What is the purpose of the QLD Wonderlic Test?

The QLD police Wonderlic test estimates your potential abilities for police jobs. Physically, you need to be quick while mentally more skilled than other candidates. This test involves some segments to examine different skills including:

  • English Language – Spelling, Grammar, and Vocabulary
  • English Comprehension
  • Memory
  • Judgment and Reasoning skills
  • Observation
  • Logic
  • Computation

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Online Wonderlic Assessment: QLD Police

The Wonderlic utilizes different tests to measure the abilities, skills and character factors of the candidate that predict success in training schedules and jobs. Their common test is the Wonderlic cognitive ability test for police, a test that measures reasoning and problem-solving ability. This is generally used for pre-employment selection and promotion. As a result, several police forces use this as a selection pattern.

It should be noted that to master this test does not immediately make you an excellent candidate. In addition, those that score well on an ability test do not surely become the best police officers. On a 50-item test, the usual score for police officers is between 20 and 27; this is the appropriate range of scores that best matches with the successful execution of police work.

How to pass the QLD Police Wonderlic Test

Wonderlic Test Prep offers you a variety of preparation material for each test type including:

  • Full online Wonderlic practice tests that mimic police tests. These include personalized test reports with a list of right and wrong answers and detailed answer explanations.
  • A full online course which can be used as a Wonderlic study guide.

Wonderlic Test for Police Officers

The Wonderlic police test follows the style of the multiple-choice questions. Each question gives at least four options. One of these options is the right or the best answer. Fortunately, you do not need to understand police policies and procedures. Though, if you understand them, you may get an advantage. After all, a police aptitude test gives you circumstances which real-life police officers encounter in their everyday activities. When you know police policies and procedures, no matter how few they are, you will be able to react better than others.

The test is used to estimate a person’s ability to study, understand instructions, adjust, and solve problems. The questions included in the test are math, word, vocabulary, identifying errors in spelling, and reasoning questions. It is a time-based test, giving the candidate only 12 minutes to solve 50 questions

Practice tests provided by Wonderlic Test Prep enable you to know the questions suggested on the Wonderlic and to familiarize yourself to a time-based test. There are many resources offered online at Wonderlic Test Prep where you can purchase a complete study guide. But we also provide also free practice tests that will give you an idea of what you will find when you give the Wonderlic test.

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vanessa montgomery
David Hernandez

Preparing for the Online Wonderlic Assessment for Police

The best way to prepare for this test is to know what to expect and to be ready with test-taking tactics for dealing with multiple choice questions with the time element. 

You can also do some online analysis to clarify your doubts and sharpen skills. Most likely, the most productive review would be in the math area–to do necessary calculations fast and correctly and be familiar with the sorts of mental reasoning needed in word puzzles. If you have time to expand your vocabulary and better spelling accuracy, that will add to your knowledge base.

Tips to Obtain Good Wonderlic Scores for Police Officers

  1. Read every point listed in the instructions section.
  2. Read and understand every problem before solving.
  3. Read all the given choices carefully before choosing an answer.
  4. When you are not sure of your answer, follow the elimination method. Eliminate the options you know are incorrect so that you can narrow your guess, thus improving your possibilities of the correct answer.
  5. Do not waste your time on a specific question if you don’t know the answer. Move on and come back when you get some time to calculate it.
  6. Remember the spelling.
  7. While preparing for a police job, work through vocabularies and dictionaries. When reading, classify any word that you do not know and look up the meaning of these words.
  8. Attempt to answer all the problems, even if it’s just an educated guess.
  9. Time management is a helpful test-taking skill so manage your time.

Always practice reading comprehension through police manuals. It means you shall not only get a few insights of the procedures but also prepare your reading comprehension sessions for the online Wonderlic assessment Queensland police test.

Eligibility for Appointment

Normally, police recruiting will notify you via email if you have been completing every stage of the selection process.

The selection process involves the following steps:

  • Submit your online request
  • Give an online cognitive test
  • Organize with your General Practitioner to sign your Fitness form and Certificate of Indemnity
  • Do your beep test
  • Attend cognitive and literacy testing
  • Attend your panel Interview
  • Give a written psychological exam
  • Attend the APSAD physical testing
  • Conduct reliability and referee checks
  • Attend a pre-employment medical valuation with the Queensland Police Service approved pre-employment medical service provider
  • Attend your psychological interview
  • Qualified for selection

The QLD police Wonderlic assessment components are scored on a competitive basis following the operational employment requirements of the Queensland Police Service.

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