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Active Network Assessment and Wonderlic Test – 2023 Update

If you have applied for a job at the Active Network, you know that your application will be run through the Hirebridge’s applicant tracking system, which will screen your CV, resume, and cover letter for specific key-phrases in order to determine if the documents you present are aligned with the job description. Furthermore, there is also a good chance that you will be made to take the Active Network Assessment Test.

Why does Active Network use the Wonderlic test?

What you may not know is that once your application has been scanned, you will have to undergo a series of pre-employment assessments, which are designed to measure particular skills in relation to the job you have applied for. One of the most prominent assessments you will do is the Wonderlic personnel test and the Active Network assessment test.
The Wonderlic test is designed to help an employer evaluate your ability to learn new information, make decisions under time pressure, and adapt to the work environment. These are skills that could, otherwise, be impossible to measure by simply looking at your CV or doing an in-person interview.
Since Active Network is one of the biggest companies in the United States that offers lucrative positions, it receives thousands of applications for all the positions it advertises for every year.
Therefore, apart from helping this company employ top-notch employees in a bid to boost its productivity and maintain its concrete reputation, the Wonderlic test and the Active Network assessment test also helps in streamlining the hiring process by weeding out unqualified candidates and leaving a sensible number to proceed with in-person interviews.

Preparing for the Active Network assessment Test

Passing the Active Network Wonderlic test is not easy. This test is too difficult, such that only a handful of test takers get a near perfect score. Even more shocking, only 3% of test takers complete the test within the allotted time. Therefore, you need to put more effort if you want to get a good score and increase your chances of being hired. You can try our free Wonderlic practice test to assess your skills.

Prepare for the Active Network Wonderlic Test using our comprehensive test prep pack. It has been developed by tested and approved psychometric experts, whose goal is to see you get your dream job at the Active Network. It comes with exclusive practice tests that simulate the real test, instant score reports, and in-depth explanations on how to answer every question correctly. It also features a detailed study guide that outlines solving tips, methods, insights, and techniques you can use to help you gain actual skills in different subjects and face the real test with confidence.

What is the Active Network Wonderlic Test All About?

Also known as the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, the Wonderlic personnel test given by the Active Network as a pre-employment tool is far from being an assessment that measures how smart you are. Therefore, don’t depend too much on the basic knowledge in different subjects you learnt in school. The test is all about helping the employer know how well you can execute your duties if given a chance. Also, it helps the company predict your performance in the position you have applied for, based on the score you attain.
With your score, Active Network will be able to know how you will fare dealing with various challenges in the workplace, the manner in which you will make the right decisions under strict timelines, and how well you will adapt to the ever-changing work environment.

The Wonderlic Test Format

There are two versions of tests given by the Active Network. The first one is the Wonderlic Personnel Test- QuickTest, which is basically the shortened version of the full Wonderlic cognitive ability test. It contains 30 questions that should be answered in eight minutes. In some positions, the test is used to eliminate unqualified candidates in the early stages of the recruitment process, while in others, it is used to prepare candidates for the full test. This version is administered remotely.
The second version is the Wonderlic Personnel Test- Revised, which is the full version of the Wonderlic test. It contains 50 questions to be answered in 12 minutes. This test is administered in either paper or electronic format, and is taken at the Company’s test center.

Both Tests Contain Several Types of Questions Including:

Spatial reasoning – here, you will tackle a number of questions which will evaluate your ability to discern patterns and use logic. These skills are important in the workplace because with them, you will be able to find unique solutions for complex situations whenever the need arises.

Word problems – this section will contain a blend of long and short word problems. You will need to use basic math to answer them, but you will also need strong analytic skills and have the ability to solve complex problems under time pressure.

Verbal reasoning – this section evaluates skills associated with comprehension and understanding of the English language. For example, you will find questions on metaphors, synonyms vs antonyms, common colloquial sayings, and anagrams.

Speed – this is a section that contains very easy questions, but which are thrown to you with speed. It is designed to help the employer understand how fast you can make a good decision when pressed for time.

Wonderlic Test Scores

Every position at the Active Network requires a different minimum passing score on the Wonderlic test. Therefore, there is no standard score for all positions across the board. Therefore, you need to find out the Wonscore you will be required to get for you to proceed with other steps of the recruitment process for the position you have applied for.
Nonetheless, a score of 20-21 is considered average. The minimum score set for literacy according to the Wonderlic data is 10. To maximize your chances of being hired, make sure you get a score which is above average.

Passing the Active Network Wonderlic Test: The Tips


First things first, find out more about the Wonderlic test offered by the Active Network. Dig more into the types of questions asked, why they are asked in the first place, and endeavor to know the score that is considered a ‘pass’ in the position you have applied for. Researching about the test and having a deep understanding of what it entails is the first step towards acing it.

Don’t waste time

In the Wonderlic test, you will not be penalized for leaving a question blank or giving the wrong answers. Therefore, in case you find that a question is challenging or you are unsure of its right answer, don’t spend too much time on it because in this assessment, every second counts. Skip it and come back to it later, or better still, make an educated guess and increase your chances of getting it right.

Keep calm

It is normal to get anxious during any test, and the Wonderlic assessment is not an exception. However, try to remain calm, and avoid stress because you can! If you things get hot and you become tense, try the deep-breath technique and it might do the trick!

Practice with us

We recommend that you use our comprehensive test prep pack for your preparation needs. It is armed with Wonderlic-style practice tests and drills, which resemble those in the real test. Also, you will get your scores in real time so that you can determine your areas of weakness and concentrate on them, plus you will have exclusive access to in-depth explanation to answers on every question. A detailed study guide in this package will give you tips, pointers, and techniques you can use during the test and stand out from the competition.

The Rapid Wonderlic Mastery Prep™

  • Only 3 hours for study and practice
  • Perfect for ALL Types of Wonderlic tests


  • 17 Video Modules with Transcripts
  • 15 Focused Quizzes for distinct question types
  • 3 full-length practice tests
  • Personality and Motivation prep
  • 500 Practice questions with explanations
*This Offer Lasts — 11H : 48M : 40S
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Real Reviews from Students

Discover what our students said about this course.


Great study guide!


Definitely worth the money! There are a lot of free practice tests out there but they actually don't have the right questions or structured the same way as the real test. This guide takes you through each sub-section that is on the test with great tips and tricks, plus lots of practice questions after each sub-section with 3 full practice tests that are same as the actual test (including layout). So you know what you are getting into. I don't think I could have done well without this guide.




David P.

The Rapid Wonderlic Mastery Course is an absolute steal and it quickly prepared me to fly through the course and achieve excellent results. I was well-prepared by taking this, and if I hadn’t taken it the outcome wouldn’t have been strong because I wouldn’t have know what to expect and would have made stupid mistakes just out of ignorance of understanding the test and strategies to perform well. I highly recommend anyone to BUY THIS NOW AND STUDY HARD! Even 12-36 hours advance is plenty to prepare you. THANK YOU!! A VERY grateful user.

David P.


i make mistake, actually, I

i make mistake, actually, I will take react behavior test and want to buy materiel to it.I think i bought wrong material. thank

jie c.



Vanessa F.

This course is very good! Helped me cover all topics in a efficient manner. I was confident and prepared to answer the questions in my Wonderlic Test - which I found easier, by the way. I didn't get my score yet, but I would recommend this site for anyone seeking a successful result and encouragement. Thank you for helping me!

Vanessa F.


Great review

Jesica A.

Took the course before taking the wonderlic. Great prep! Very similar to the real questions!

Jesica A.


Great prep tool

The modules did a great job helping me understand the types of questions I would encounter and to provide strategies for quickly solving them. Ultimately the practice tests were significantly harder than my real test.

Evan V.


Great course

Katherine S.

I kept running into jobs requesting this type of assessment, I found I was over thinking and spending too much time on questions, but I like the way they explain each module and things just click now.

Katherine S.




This was a game changer. The test prep settled me with confidence to take on the challenge. I passed with flying colors



Super helpful!

Alexis K.

Really helped me prepare and make smart decisions on the actual test. Would definitely recommend, especially if you’ve been out of testing scenarios for a bit!

Alexis K.


Very helpful

Very helpful

Jyothi B.